Most LeTip members look forward to Wednesday mornings and the weekly 7:00 meeting. Granted, it’s what a few members consider early, and some may arrive a little sleepy. Bed hair can be spotted from time to time (I will not name names), and efforts to conceal it are thwarted as head coverings are removed for the Pledge of Allegiance which heralds the beginning of the meeting.

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Having been a member since the earth cooled, I’m happy to say that over the years many members have become some of my best friends. They have also become the best business associates I’ve ever known. As a graphic designer I know that I can trust the printer, the sign company, the web designer and the advertising specialty member to do quality work for my clients without the fear of them going direct without my permission. They are also generous with referrals for me.

I’m so honored to be in the company of these intelligent, witty, creative and accomplished individuals that their names often come up in conversations with other friends. Consequently, a number of my friends often start a conversation with, “Is there someone in your LeTip group who . . .?” My friends know that my LeTip associates are trusted professionals.

One time in particular when LeTip came through for me was when a pipe broke inside a wall in my home. The LeTip plumber came to stop the damage at 10:00p.m. Over the next two weeks the LeTip water extractor, the LeTip mold remediator, the LeTip handy man, the LeTip painter and the LeTip carpet cleaner made my home whole, and I was never home when the work occurred. I just left the front door key in a super secret hiding place (under the mat), and my trusted LeTip members came and went at their convenience and mine.

It’s not a stated goal of LeTip, but mentoring is something that seems to happen naturally. When you see each other every week you become comfortable with sharing your successes as well as obstacles to success. Seasoned business people (I did not say “old”) willingly offer advice and support to younger members. And our stellar younger members (some of them are actually those often-maligned “Millenials”) are helping the long-established business people embrace fresh ideas, new technology and social media.

Even though LeTip is not a service club, I have witnessed and experienced more wonderful acts of generosity and selflessness than I can remember.

Even though LeTip is not a place for breakfast, Hidden Valley Country Club provides a great breakfast in a beautiful room every week.

Even though LeTip is not a social organization, it is very social. And when we meet for our quarterly evening socials/mixers the very best thing is: No. Shop. Talk. Because we all offer different products and services “shop talk” is impossible, and since no one in this group is familiar with the concept of shyness, we exchange ideas, solve problems, tell jokes and meet family members who are always welcome at the quarterly socials.

LeTip has been, and continues to be, great for my business. It’s so easy. Show up. Pay attention. Don’t settle for being a seat warmer. Participate. Pitch in. Be a good and decent person. And you’ve nailed it.

Linda Anderson
Design Lab